v2.0.4 – February 2022

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for xDIM mobile dimensioning software.

xDIM Release 02/28/2022

Refreshed User Interface: The xDIM Mobile user interface has been revised to improve usability. Measurement data and weight fields are larger and moved to the top of the screen. The left column is dedicated to data input fields, including a new field type for capturing photos (see below). The measurement result image is now fully visible in a window on the information screen. (Previously, the information fly-out panel would obscure part of the measurement result screen when displayed.)

Photo Capture: A sixth data field has been added, along with a new data type for capturing photos. This feature allows the user to take multiple photographs of the object being dimensioned using the integrated camera on the tablet. High quality photos can be taken from any angle and used to populate Product Information Management systems, eCommerce catalogs, or to maintain chain of custody proof, all from the same device used to capture box dimensions. Photos may be reviewed in xDIM Mobile and the Insight Measurements detail view. NOTE: Photos must be captured after dimension capture is completed.

Barcode Scanning via Camera: In addition to barcode scanning using a dedicated 2D imager, an optional feature enables the integrated camera to be used to read barcodes. An on-screen viewfinder is used to locate the barcode, which is automatically written to the data field that has focus. Camera-based scanning is recommended for lighter duty use cases, because unlike the dedicated imager, the camera does not have a visible aimer. Camera scanning is an additional license cost over the base Essential license.

Time to Capture: A new parameter has been added to the measurement data. Time to Capture (TTC) logs the time that the box dimensions are being actively captured. It can be used to monitor productivity and/or to highlight issues with capturing the measurement. The Duration parameter (which remains available) captures the time that the 3D camera is in operation, which may include data field input or idle time in addition to the dimension capture time.

Minimum Box Dimensions: A new parameter has been added to the Insight Organization settings to establish minimum box dimension. If dimensions are captured containing a measurement less than the minimum, a notification will be displayed to the user allowing acceptance of the transaction without the measurement data. This feature allows data fields (including photos) to be uploaded even if the object is too small to be reliably dimensioned.

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