v3.4.2 – August 2023

xDIM & Insight Release Notes 08/16/2023

NOTE: This release has not been recertified for use in Legal for Trade (NTEP) mode. Current NTEP mode users should remain on v2.4.4. 

This release has not been tested using the Intel RealSense D415 3D camera. 

NOTE: The Microsoft developer platform used by xDIM was updated for this release v3.x.x. When installing v3.x.x over v2.x.x, you will be prompted to download and install two additional files from Microsoft. This is expected behavior and you must download these files for xDIM to run. 



Accept weight only after a measurement: Accepting scale weight while xDIM was actively dimensioning would cause application crash. This release disables the ability to accept the scale weight during a measurement. Scale weight needs to be accepted after dimensioning complete.

Upload location fix: Limited instances where location was not uploaded with the measurement.

Duplicate measurement upload queue fix: Uploading a measurement twice, the second measurement would get stuck in the measurement upload queue.

Exclude pallet height fix: In some cases the pallet height was not being properly subtracted from the overall height.

New patent number: Another patent has been awarded for xDIM and is displayed therein.

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