xDIM & Insight Release Notes 02/16/2024
NOTE: This release has not been recertified for use in Legal for Trade (NTEP) mode. Current NTEP mode users should remain on v2.4.4.
This release has not been tested using the Intel RealSense D415 3D camera.
NOTE: The Microsoft developer platform used by xDIM was updated for this release v3.x.x. When installing v3.x.x over v2.x.x, you will be prompted to download and install two additional files from Microsoft. This is expected behavior and you must download these files for xDIM to run.
User Experience:
- Updates to on-screen user guidance
- Added informational tooltips to measurement fields
- Replaced Upload button with a Submit button
- Separated Submit button and Upload queue button into individual buttons
- Expanded data collection fields from six to twelve fields
- Modified manual weight entry to accept four digits before the decimal
- Changed the Scale Height Adjustment button to green when applied to a measurement
- Changed default unit of measurement to CM from MM when in Metric
Scale Support:
- Added support for BLE Scales
- Negative weights will display for Serial and BLE connected scales
Small Item Measurement Strategy:
- Small Item strategy (beta) added to xDIM
Pallet Measurement Strategy:
- PalletSense™ (Pallet auto-detection) technology added to xDIM
Bug Fixes:
- xDIM no longer tares(zeroes) connected scales on connection
- Fixed duplicate upload issue
- Fixed Settings Modal when displaying imperial units
- Improved manual dimension entering process
- Upload queue no longer shows uploaded measurements
- Startup error when network drive is disconnected
- Scale weight view popping up after an upload when scale is disabled
- Removed Scale Height Adjustment from Settings when disabled in Insight
- Improved bounding box in Irregular measurement strategy
- Resolved issue where xDIM would not close properly with a serial scale connected
- Resolved upload issue when manually entering values